/Software Development

BadRequestError on django non-rel with Google App Engine

I’ve been playing around with Django lately, and have stumbled upon the glory of Django-nonrel (and it’s ability to use Google App Engine).

It’s all been heaven, except for when I tried deploying a test application. I got this weird BadRequestError and it seems that my application name had a “s~” prefixed to it.

After hours on Google, I think I found the root of the problem, but then updated the code someone else posted a bit to make it easier to use (they had it so that one would specify 2 environment variables, I’ve updated it to be just one). The problem is in this file:


Well, to be fair, the problem isn’t with that file, it’s with Google… but it’s just much easier to correct that file than to correct App Engine.

So, here is my full base.py file that you can copy/paste into yours to fix this error:

 from ..utils import appid, have_appserver, on_production_server from .creation import DatabaseCreation from django.db.backends.util import format_number from djangotoolbox.db.base import NonrelDatabaseFeatures, \\ NonrelDatabaseOperations, NonrelDatabaseWrapper, NonrelDatabaseClient, \\ NonrelDatabaseValidation, NonrelDatabaseIntrospection from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError import logging import os import time

REMOTE_API_SCRIPT = '$PYTHON_LIB/google/appengine/ext/remote_api/handler.py'

def auth_func(): import getpass return raw_input('Login via Google Account (see note above if login fails): '), getpass.getpass('Password: ')

def rpc_server_factory(\*args, \*\* kwargs): from google.appengine.tools import appengine_rpc kwargs\['save_cookies'\] = True return appengine_rpc.HttpRpcServer(\*args, \*\* kwargs)

def get_datastore_paths(options): """Returns a tuple with the path to the datastore and history file.

The datastore is stored in the same location as dev_appserver uses by default, but the name is altered to be unique to this project so multiple Django projects can be developed on the same machine in parallel.

Returns: (datastore_path, history_path) """ from google.appengine.tools import dev_appserver_main datastore_path = options.get('datastore_path', dev_appserver_main.DEFAULT_ARGS\['datastore_path'\].replace( 'dev_appserver', 'django_%s' % appid)) blobstore_path = options.get('blobstore_path', dev_appserver_main.DEFAULT_ARGS\['blobstore_path'\].replace( 'dev_appserver', 'django_%s' % appid)) history_path = options.get('history_path', dev_appserver_main.DEFAULT_ARGS\['history_path'\].replace( 'dev_appserver', 'django_%s' % appid)) return datastore_path, blobstore_path, history_path

def get_test_datastore_paths(inmemory=True): """Returns a tuple with the path to the test datastore and history file.

If inmemory is true, (None, None) is returned to request an in-memory datastore. If inmemory is false the path returned will be similar to the path returned by get_datastore_paths but with a different name.

Returns: (datastore_path, history_path) """ if inmemory: return None, None, None datastore_path, blobstore_path, history_path = get_datastore_paths() datastore_path = datastore_path.replace('.datastore', '.testdatastore') blobstore_path = blobstore_path.replace('.blobstore', '.testblobstore') history_path = history_path.replace('.datastore', '.testdatastore') return datastore_path, blobstore_path, history_path

def destroy_datastore(\*args): """Destroys the appengine datastore at the specified paths.""" for path in args: if not path: continue try: os.remove(path) except OSError, error: if error.errno != 2: logging.error("Failed to clear datastore: %s" % error)

class DatabaseFeatures(NonrelDatabaseFeatures): allows_primary_key_0 = True supports_dicts = True

class DatabaseOperations(NonrelDatabaseOperations): compiler_module = __name__.rsplit('.', 1)\[0\] + '.compiler'

DEFAULT_MAX_DIGITS = 16 def value_to_db_decimal(self, value, max_digits, decimal_places): if value is None: return None sign = value < 0 and u'-' or u'' if sign: value = abs(value) if max_digits is None: max_digits = self.DEFAULT_MAX_DIGITS

if decimal_places is None: value = unicode(value) else: value = format_number(value, max_digits, decimal_places) decimal_places = decimal_places or 0 n = value.find('.')

if n < 0: n = len(value) if n < max_digits - decimal_places: value = u"0" \* (max_digits - decimal_places - n) + value return sign + value

def sql_flush(self, style, tables, sequences): self.connection.flush() return \[\]

class DatabaseClient(NonrelDatabaseClient): pass

class DatabaseValidation(NonrelDatabaseValidation): pass

class DatabaseIntrospection(NonrelDatabaseIntrospection): pass

class DatabaseWrapper(NonrelDatabaseWrapper): def __init__(self, \*args, \*\*kwds): super(DatabaseWrapper, self).__init__(\*args, \*\*kwds) self.features = DatabaseFeatures(self) self.ops = DatabaseOperations(self) self.client = DatabaseClient(self) self.creation = DatabaseCreation(self) self.validation = DatabaseValidation(self) self.introspection = DatabaseIntrospection(self) options = self.settings_dict self.use_test_datastore = False self.test_datastore_inmemory = True self.remote = options.get('REMOTE', False) if on_production_server: self.remote = False self.remote_app_id = options.get('REMOTE_APP_ID', appid) self.remote_api_path = options.get('REMOTE_API_PATH', None) self.secure_remote_api = options.get('SECURE_REMOTE_API', True) self._setup_stubs()

def _get_paths(self): if self.use_test_datastore: return get_test_datastore_paths(self.test_datastore_inmemory) else: return get_datastore_paths(self.settings_dict)

def _setup_stubs(self): # If this code is being run without an appserver (eg. via a django # commandline flag) then setup a default stub environment. if not have_appserver: from google.appengine.tools import dev_appserver_main args = dev_appserver_main.DEFAULT_ARGS.copy() args\['datastore_path'\], args\['blobstore_path'\], args\['history_path'\] = self._get_paths() from google.appengine.tools import dev_appserver dev_appserver.SetupStubs(appid, \*\*args) # If we're supposed to set up the remote_api, do that now. if self.remote: self.setup_remote()

def setup_remote(self): if not self.remote_api_path: from ..utils import appconfig for handler in appconfig.handlers: if handler.script == REMOTE_API_SCRIPT: self.remote_api_path = handler.url.split('(', 1)\[0\] break self.remote = True remote_app_setting = os.environ.get('REMOTE_APPLICATION') if remote_app_setting: remote_url = 'https://%s.appspot.com%s' % (remote_app_setting, self.remote_api_path) logging.info('Setting up remote_api for "%s" at %s' % (remote_app_setting, remote_url)) else: remote_url = 'https://%s.appspot.com%s' % (self.remote_app_id, self.remote_api_path) logging.info('Setting up remote_api for "%s" at %s' % (self.remote_app_id, remote_url)) if not have_appserver: print('Connecting to remote_api handler.\\n\\n' 'IMPORTANT: Check your login method settings in the ' 'App Engine Dashboard if you have problems logging in. ' 'Login is only supported for Google Accounts.\\n') from google.appengine.ext.remote_api import remote_api_stub if remote_app_setting: remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteApi(remote_app_setting, self.remote_api_path, auth_func, secure=self.secure_remote_api, rpc_server_factory=rpc_server_factory, servername=self.remote_app_id + ".appspot.com") else: remote_api_stub.ConfigureRemoteApi(self.remote_app_id, self.remote_api_path, auth_func, secure=self.secure_remote_api, rpc_server_factory=rpc_server_factory) retry_delay = 1 while retry_delay <= 16: try: remote_api_stub.MaybeInvokeAuthentication() except HTTPError, e: if not have_appserver: print 'Retrying in %d seconds...' % retry_delay time.sleep(retry_delay) retry_delay \*= 2 else: break else: try: remote_api_stub.MaybeInvokeAuthentication() except HTTPError, e: raise URLError("%s\\n" "Couldn't reach remote_api handler at %s.\\n" "Make sure you've deployed your project and " "installed a remote_api handler in app.yaml." % (e, remote_url)) logging.info('Now using the remote datastore for "%s" at %s' % (self.remote_app_id, remote_url))

def flush(self): """Helper function to remove the current datastore and re-open the stubs""" if self.remote: import random, string code = ''.join(\[random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in range(4)\]) print '\\n\\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print "Warning! You're about to delete the \*production\* datastore!" print 'Only models defined in your INSTALLED_APPS can be removed!' print 'If you want to clear the whole datastore you have to use the ' \\ 'datastore viewer in the dashboard. Also, in order to delete all '\\ 'unneeded indexes you have to run appcfg.py vacuum_indexes.' print 'In order to proceed you have to enter the following code:' print code response = raw_input('Repeat: ') if code == response: print 'Deleting...' from django.db import models from google.appengine.api import datastore as ds for model in models.get_models(): print 'Deleting %s...' % model._meta.db_table while True: data = ds.Query(model._meta.db_table, keys_only=True).Get(200) if not data: break ds.Delete(data) print "Datastore flushed! Please check your dashboard's " \\ 'datastore viewer for any remaining entities and remove ' \\ 'all unneeded indexes with manage.py vacuum_indexes.' else: print 'Aborting' exit() else: destroy_datastore(\*self._get_paths()) self._setup_stubs() 

To use this, before you run the command to createsuperuser, first set the environment variable to indicate the name of your app: set REMOTE_APPLICATION = s~myapp and then manage.py remote createsuperuser

And you should be all set.

Bogdan Varlamov

Bogdan Varlamov

I believe technology makes life more worthwhile :)

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